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The sphere of activity of the association will be centered in Madrid and expand throughout all of Spain. The directors of our entity are at liberty to establish international agreements with foreign health specialists always with the intention to help members who suffer from the illnesses central to our entity.

We are an association inscribed in the Register of Associations of the Interior Ministry: Group 1, Section 1, National Number (Número Nacional) 587586. Our activities are regulated and legally constituted under the protection of Article 22 of the Constitution, according to the Fundamental Law 1/2002 of March 22nd, which regulates the right of association.

Telephone: +34 91 733 30 38 

Mobile phone: +34 638 98 97 69 

Hours: Sutardays and Sundays from 10:30 am to 15:30 pm.

Location: Madrid. Administration and Coordination with medical specialists.

Communication: María Huerta.

Admission of new associates: Raquel Martín and Ignacio del Río


Member Benefits

1.- The patient who will be considered a member is the person who has paid the fee this year. The benefits will only be enjoyed by patients who are partners who have met the quota for the current year.

2.- AEPA ATM will provide information about the diseases object of the Association to the patients who are members who then request it. The majority of studies and essays about the diseases are written in English.

3.- When the case is accepted by the Scientific Committee of AEPA ATM, a tutor physician will guide the patient and will do anything on their power to reach a correct diagnosis. And, when the diagnosis is correct, he will inform the patients about the best treatment options for each case being reversible options the first options recommended and always protecting the health and safety of the patient. The members of the Scientific Committee of AEPA ATM choose less invasive treatments as first choices.

4.- The patients who are members benefit from the economic advantages when they access a specialized neurologist in facial pain and headaches in the Hospital Ruber Internacional de Madrid. To benefit from the rates that come from the agreement with the specialized neurologist, AEPA ATM has to confirm to the Hospital that the patient who is a partner has its share into force. Otherwise, the discount as a member of AEPA ATM will not apply.

5.- Patients who are members can access to the assessment of their case by maxillofacial surgeons with an extensive experience in complex cases of facial pain with a discount on official rates. The patient will have to go to the consult with all the reports of the clinical tests that are required by the specialist and they will be prescribed in advance.

6.- We have signed an agreement with different hyperbaric chambers so that the patients who are fellows-who can accredit this- can access to less than half of the price of each session to specific hyperbaric chambers with the maximum health and safety guarantees supervised by the competent Organisms of each Administration. Consult us for more information.

7.- Fellows will be able to benefit from economic agreements that we are signing with Neurosurgeons -who up to this date- are of our total trust and only work in the private health system. There are important discounts with validity for fellows in vigor.

8.- AEPA ATM team will provide the name of, at least, three clinical specialists in the dentistry industry-depending on each case so that the patient can choose their specialist. The first consult and clinical evaluation done by any of the three dental specialists will always be free. Some of these dentists can work with medical insurances.

9.- AEPA ATM team is commited to providing the name of the Spanish neuro-radiologists with the most experience in the study of certain vascular lesions that may cause neuropathic pain. Some of these recommended neuro-radiologists work with major private health

10.- On the occasions where patients require a consult with a foreign specialist, the international clinical translation of AEPA ATM offers this option at an affordable price. As they are clinic translations, the price is determined individually, depending on the complexity of each case. AEPA ATM will act as a link between the medical professional practicing outside of Spain to the query and the patient is performed.

11.- The patients who are members of the association who require clinical assessments of a psychiatrist evaluation by the collateral problems that cause them to suffer from pain, may get discounts on official rates for each specialist.

12.- The patients who are members have a right to access to the best information on experts from different pathologies although these specialists may be from other health specialities and are not linked to the diseases cover by AEPA ATM.

13.- Patients who are members of the association have access to the best experts in each of their pathologies. The expert is the person who has won a large number of cases within their specialty and has clinical and legal expertise in pathologies object.

14.- Patients who are members are entitled to a discount on the official rates in the casse of surveys taking place that are conducted by the AEPA ATM Association which is recommended by experts in each health area (Maxillofacial, neurology and other specialties)

15.- If the patient is a member of the association needs a comprehensive report (a summary of all the clinical reports) for labor or civil legal processes, the patient will be able to access to a clinic specialist at a lower price than the original fees.

16.- AEPA ATM members who need to process a medical disability because of their clinical situation, can access to three different legal experts with 20 years of experience. The first evaluation consult is completely free for the patients who are members of the association. An overall assessment will be made, of your case before any legal actions are made: disabilities, family civil proceedings or any other processes that the member of the association may need. The following consults will have a substantial discount on official rates. We clarify that the Association has no economic agreements with any professional lawyers. All these actions are done to encourage and assist members of the associations who suffer from diseases that are the reason of our association.

17.- Geriatric patients will access to reports of medical specialists in pain at lower price than the original fees.

18.- Access Coaching and Support Programs.

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